CRYSTAL-RIGHT CR200 – filtration filling



Unlike zeolites (aluminum silicate crystals) that can be found in nature, Crystal- Right is a synthetic zeolite with no impurities and a predefined grain size for treating well water. Thanks to its unique crystal structure, Crystal-Right allows simultaneous removal of manganese, iron, hardness and increases pH.


Layer > height 700 mm

Recommended service flow rate 20 – 40 m/h

Recommended rinsing speed 15 m/h

pH range 6.3 – 11

Density 0.8 kg/l



  • Minimum hardness CR100/CR200: 51 ppm / 5.1°F / 2.87°dH
  • TDS CR100/CR200: > 80mg/L
  • Water pH range CR100:6.3-14.0/CR200:7.0-14.0
  • Max. Iron and manganese content: 15 mg/L
  • CAPACITY CR100: 30 m³/ppm; 3 m3/°F; 1.7 m³/°dH
  • CAPACITY CR200: 40 m³/ppm; 4 m3/°F; 2.25 m³/°dH
  • NH4+ will remove CR-100 and CR-200 with the help of chlorinators
  • CR100 will perform pH correction
  • Crystal Right can not be rinsed with classic cleaners, CR Clear Out should be used.


Packaging 28 lit