Water demineralization CATIONSKA-ANION IEX-4500 (flow rate 4,500 lit/h)

DEMINERALIZATION OF WATER – Cation-anion ion exchange

Skid system for demineralization of water with ion masses (cation-anion) capacity: 4,500 liters/hour consists of pressure vessels filled with ion masses, 2x control valves, 2x regeneration check valves, 2x shut-off valves, control microprocessor.

Regerneration of ionic masses is carried out with acid and alkali, according to the defined working capacity / production of demineralized water.


Flow: 4,500 liters/hour
Connection: 1 1/2″
Water pressure: 2.5 – 6.5 bar
Water temp.: 5 – 30ºC
Power supply: 230V, 50Hz
Regeneration HCl -hydrochloric acid
NaOH – Sodium alkali
Ionic mass 175 / 175